
How Do I Change My At&t Wifi Name And Password?

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The sound of your voice is determined by the size of your vocal cords and other physiological factors. While it'due south non possible to completely alter your voice from high to depression or vice versa, there are techniques you can effort to make slight changes to your pitch and volume and bring out the all-time in your natural vocalisation.

  1. one

    Agree your olfactory organ every bit you speak. A quick fashion to dramatically alter the sound of your voice is to block your nasal passages, and the easiest way to practice this is to grasp your olfactory organ on either side and shut off the nostrils.

    • You lot can as well attain a similar result by simply blocking breath from entering your nose through the mouth.
    • As you speak, airflow naturally travels through both your mouth and nose. Blocking off your nose restricts the corporeality of air that escapes through your nasal passages and causes more air to be trapped deeper in your throat and mouth. This change in amount and pressure causes your song cords to vibrate differently, which changes the mode your voice sounds.
  2. 2

    Speak with a different expression. Try speaking while smile or speaking while scowling, regardless of what you lot really say.

    • Expression tin affect the emotion with which words are spoken, but expression also changes the formation of your words because your oral cavity is held in a different position.
    • For instance, consider how the word "oh" sounds when you smile versus how it sounds when your face remains loose. A loose "oh" is more than rounded, while an "oh" spoken through a smile will sound shorter in comparison and may even resemble the "ah" sound.


  3. iii

    Muffle your voice. Place your mitt or a handkerchief over your oral cavity as you lot speak. The obstacle should exist directly against your oral fissure to produce a more dramatic effect.

    • Your voice, similar any sound, travels through various mediums in the form of sound waves. The way that those waves are transmitted through air differs from the way those waves sound when traveled through a different medium, like a solid. Past placing a solid obstruction in front of your mouth every bit you speak, you lot forcefulness the sound waves through that obstacle, thereby changing the manner that others' ears hear and interpret the sound.
  4. 4

    Mumble. When you lot speak, practice then in a quieter tone and open your mouth less as yous pronounce words.

    • Mumbling changes both word germination and the manner in which your vocalisation carries.
    • When you mumble, you keep your mouth more than closed than usual. Certain sounds are pronounced while the mouth is only slightly opened, and those will not exist affected much. On the other hand, sounds that naturally require you to open your oral cavity significantly more will be profoundly contradistinct.
    • Consider the difference in sound when saying something as uncomplicated as "oh." Offset, say "oh" while opening your rima oris wide open. Then, echo the "oh" syllable while keeping your lips just barely parted. If you mind advisedly, you should detect the divergence in audio.
    • Mumbling also causes you to speak softer. Clear, middle sounds may come through well enough when you speak softly, but softer sounds and cease sounds tend to be obscured.
    • Consider the difference in audio when repeating a simple phrase like "got information technology." Echo the phrase forcefully in your normal tone. Y'all will likely exist able to pick upwards on the ending "t" sounds, even if the "t" at the terminate of "got" blends into the next word. Then, try repeating the phrase weakly in a quiet tone. The two vowel sounds volition probable be audible, but the "t" sounds should have weakened significantly.
  5. 5

    Speak in monotone. Virtually people naturally speak with some caste of emotion. Focus on maintaining a flat, consequent tone of voice equally you speak. The less emotion you use while speaking, the more than unlike your vocalisation volition sound.

    • The easiest style to notice the difference is past asking a question in monotone. When asking a question, the vast bulk of people will stop with a higher intonation. The same question can sound much different when spoken in a flat phonation, without that terminal shift in tone.
    • Alternatively, if people tend to say that you have a flat voice, practise speaking with more enthusiasm or emotion. Remember advisedly near what you say and change your intonation equally y'all speak accordingly. A expert way to practice is with a uncomplicated phrase like "Yeah." When someone says "yeah" in a hurt way, there should be a downwardly shift in intonation. On the other mitt, an enthusiastic "yeah" will have a strong tone with a somewhat high pitch from outset to finish.
  6. 6

    Practice a new emphasis. Selection an emphasis that fascinates you and study the way that it varies from your own fashion of speaking. Each accent is a niggling different, and so you volition need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the quirks of each individual accent before you tin can speak in that emphasis convincingly.[1]

    • Non-rhoticity is a common feature of several accents, including the Boston accent and many British accents. Non-rhoticity refers to the practice of dropping the final "r" sound from a word. For instance, "later" would sound like "lata" or "butter" would sound like "butta."
    • The "wide A" is another common feature of many accents, including many British accents, Boston accents, and accents found in English-speaking countries in the Southern Hemisphere, including New Zealand, Commonwealth of australia, and South Africa. This exercise involves lengthening the brusk "a" sound.


  1. i

    Find an app on your smart phone. Downloadable vocalization changer apps allow you to record your vox into your cellphone and play the words back using a filter that alters the audio of your voice. There are many different apps available. Some cost money, but others are gratuitous.

    • Bank check for apps through the Apple App Store iPhone, Windows Marketplace if you have a Windows telephone, or Google Play if y'all take an Android.
  2. 2

    Speak through calculator software. Search for downloadable text-to-spoken communication freeware or software online. One time installed, blazon your words into the software text box and press the "Play" option to play your written words back using audio.

  3. iii

    Use a novelty voice changer. Vocalisation irresolute devices can be difficult to locate in stores, only you can easily find a novelty device for purchase online.

    • A standard novelty voice changer ranges in price from $25 to $50.
    • Each device works differently, so you should bank check out the specifications to know what you are getting. Near grant you the ability to change the pitch of your voice in dissimilar ways, and many novelty devices are portable.
    • Some devices require you to pre-record your message, but others can be used to adjust your voice as you speak, transmitting the contradistinct through a cell phone or other speaker.
    • Advisedly read the instructions that come with your novelty vocalization changer to learn how to employ it properly.


  1. i

    Figure out what you sound like. If yous want to change your voice to brand it audio either higher or deeper, start by recording yourself and so you'll know what approach to accept. Apply a recording device to capture the audio of your voice talking quietly, talking loudly, and singing. How would you describe the audio of your vox? What would you like to change?

    • Does your voice sound nasally or gravelly?
    • Is it easy or difficult to empathise what you're saying?
    • Is your voice breathy or articulate?
  2. 2

    Cease talking through your nose. Many people have a vocalization that tin can be described equally "nasally." A nasally voice tends to sound unnaturally higher than it should, because it doesn't have a chance to resonate properly to produce a deeper tone. This type of voice can sound grating to others likewise as being difficult to understand. Make the post-obit changes to eliminate that nasally sound:

    • Make sure your breathing passages are clear. If y'all tend to have allergies or your olfactory organ is often clogged for other reasons, your voice is going to be stunted and nasally. Clear up your allergies, beverage plenty of water and try to proceed your sinuses clear.
    • Exercise opening your rima oris wider when you speak. Drop your jaw and verbalize your words lower in your oral fissure, rather than producing them in your soft palate.
  3. iii

    Don't speak from the dorsum of your pharynx. In order to correct a loftier voice, many people speak from the back of their throat to produce a falsely deep tone. It'southward hard to get the proper corporeality of book when y'all're straining to speak from the back of your throat, so doing this produces a muffled, difficult-to-interpret voice. In addition, speaking from the dorsum of your pharynx in an attempt to sound as though your voice is deeper than it really is puts strain on your vocal cords and can cause a sore pharynx and voice loss over time.[2]

    • Attempt doing breathing exercises and exercises that volition open your vocalisation. That tin can help y'all use more of the full range of your voice.[3]
  4. 4

    Speak through your "mask". In order to make your vocalization sound deeper and more full, it's necessary to speak through your "mask," which is the area comprised of both your lips and nose. Using your unabridged mask to speak gives your voice the best chance of sounding a flake lower and richer.

    • To make up one's mind whether you're speaking through your mask, touch your lips and olfactory organ as you speak. They should vibrate if you're utilizing the entire expanse.[4] If they don't vibrate at showtime, experiment with unlike sounds until y'all observe a style of speaking that works, then practice speaking that way all the fourth dimension.
  5. v

    Project from your diaphragm. Breathing deeply and projecting from your diaphragm is key to having a full, rich, stiff vocalisation. When you're breathing securely, your tummy should motion in and out with each breath, rather than your chest rising and falling. Practice projecting from your diaphragm past pulling your stomach in to exhale equally you speak. You lot'll discover that your voice rings out loud and clear when you lot breathe this style. Doing breathing exercises in which yous focus on deep animate will help you lot recollect to projection from your diaphragm.[5]

    • Exhale, pushing all the air from your lungs. Once your air runs out, your lungs volition automatically begin to inhale deeply in an endeavor to satisfy your demand for air. Pay close attention to how your lungs feel when you take a deep breath.
    • Inhale comfortably and hold your breath for 15 seconds before exhaling. Gradually increment the corporeality of time you lot hold your breath to twenty seconds, xxx seconds, 45 seconds, and one minute. This exercise strengthens your diaphragm.
    • Express joy heartily, purposefully making a "ha ha ha" audio. Miscarry all the air from your lungs with your laugh, then inhale securely and chop-chop.
    • Lie on your dorsum and place a volume or solid object on your diaphragm. Relax as much of your body equally possible. Pay close attention to the movement of your diaphragm, noting how the book rises and falls as yous breathe. Flatten your tum as much as possible when you exhale, and repeat until you automatically expand and contract your waist with each jiff.
    • Inhale deeply while standing. Breathe, counting aloud from 1 to five with a single breath. Repeat the practise until you are able to comfortably count from i to x on one exhale.
    • When you get the hang of speaking this fashion, you should exist able to project so that your voice can be heard past people on the other side of the room without causing you lot to go hoarse.
  6. 6

    Modify your pitch. The homo vocalisation is capable of producing audio in a range of pitches. Speak in a pitch higher or a pitch lower to temporarily alter your voice.

    • Pitch is altered in big part by the laryngeal cartilage. This is the movable piece of cartilage that rises and falls in your throat as y'all sing a scale: doh, re, mi, fa, sol, lah, ti, doh.[6]
    • Raising the laryngeal cartilage raises your pitch and creates a more than feminine sound. Dropping the laryngeal cartilage drops your pitch and creates a more masculine audio.
    • To speak in a lower voice, practice exercises to relax your throat, similar yawning or opening your rima oris really wide from top to bottom. When you open your mouth, yous'll discover that your voice is much more rounded, resonant, and deep.[7]


  1. i

    Have care of your vocal cords. Your vocal cords, like your peel, demand to be protected so they don't age prematurely. If you're hard on your vocal cords, your voice could end up sounding gravelly, whispery, or otherwise unpleasant long before its due. To protect your song cords, take the following measures:

    • Don't smoke. Smoking cigarettes has a very pronounced issue on the voice, causing it to lose volume and range over fourth dimension. If you desire your voice to stay clear and potent, it'southward all-time to quit.[8]
    • Cut back on drinking. High booze intake can also cause your phonation to age prematurely.
    • Try to breathe clean air. If you alive in a polluted surface area, load your firm with plants to clean the air, and try to go away from the city to breathe fresh air as often as possible.
    • Don't scream too much. If you're a huge fan of hardcore music or y'all but enjoy screaming sometimes, be aware that using your voice in this way can strain it. Plenty of singers have experienced laryngitis and other vocal maladies from overusing their vocal cords.
  2. ii

    Examine your stress level. When we experience stress or surprise, the muscles surrounding the larynx contract and cause a high-pitched voice to emerge. If you're constantly nervous, anxious and stressed out, this higher pitch might be your everyday voice. Take measures to at-home yourself down so that your steady, total vocalism is able to emerge.

    • Endeavor taking a few deep breaths earlier you speak. In improver to calming you lot downward, this will gear y'all up to project from your diaphragm, improving the sound of your voice.
    • Take 10 seconds to call up before you react. When y'all allow yourself fourth dimension to gather your thoughts earlier reacting in nervousness or surprise, you take greater control over your voice. Think, take a consume, then speak - you'll find that your voice comes out more steady and relaxed.[9]
  3. 3

    Practise singing. Singing alongside instrumental or vocal accompaniment is a good manner to increment your pitch range and go along your vocal cords in practiced shape. Similarly, you could practice singing along to songs that are outside of your usual song range. Each fourth dimension y'all sing along, match the notes and pitch of the original singer every bit closely as possible without straining your voice.[x]

    • With piano accompaniment, begin singing a calibration: doh, re, mi, fa, sol, lah, ti, doh. Kickoff at the most comfortable, natural pitch possible.
    • Repeat the scale, increasing your starting pitch past ane notation each time until your voice begins straining. Once your vocalization begins to strain, terminate.
    • Echo the calibration over again, decreasing your starting pitch by one annotation each time and stopping once your voice begins to strain.
    • Proceed your throat relaxed to go far easier to create lower tones.[eleven]


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  • Question

    Is it possible to change my voice?

    Patrick Muñoz

    Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Spoken language Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, interim and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such every bit Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Vox and Dialect Bus by BACKSTAGE, is the vocalization and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association.

    Patrick Muñoz

    Vocalism Jitney

    Expert Answer

    Absolutely. Many people don't use the full range of your phonation. If you breathe and do exercises to open your voice, you'll exist able to find the range, from the highest to the lowest pitches you can produce. And then, you tin practice using those pitches to grow your vox.

  • Question

    How practise I make my vox higher?

    Community Answer

    Gradually practice going higher and college as you speak or sing. Eventually, you will exist able to reach a higher register.

  • Question

    What do I exercise if I speak chop-chop through my nose and sometimes it is hard for others to understand?

    Community Answer

    Hold your nose next time y'all speak. Information technology will require yous to speak out of your mouth. The more you do information technology, the clearer and more intelligible your phonation will become.

  • Question

    Can a person change his phonation type through do?

    Community Answer

    While at that place are physiological constraints on how much y'all tin change your vocal range, yous can extend information technology a bit through practice. If you desire to go higher, try doing vocal scales with ascending commencement notes. Begin from where you're comfy and get up until you reach a notation you can't easily striking. And then, practice this scale until you tin manage it. Later, move on up. The same can be done going downward. Somewhen, you will striking a note you can't reach even with practice.

  • Question

    At what historic period can I modify my vocalism?

    Community Answer

    You can change your voice at whatsoever historic period!

  • Question

    How do I change my vox from light to heavy?

    Community Answer

    Attempt to pitch your phonation, and after a while your voice actually gets darker (or lighter) depending on how you lot pitched information technology. Information technology seems a footling weird, just it helps!

  • Question

    Why practise pre-teen voices crack sometimes?

    Community Answer

    This happens during puberty, and one'due south voice is maturing. It is temporary.

  • Question

    My voice has a weird deep tone to information technology. Is it possible to completely alter my vocalism to make it college and more feminine?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Y'all can't completely change your voice, but you can definitely modify it. If you're non familiar with singing, there are two main registers, the breast and the head registers. If your vocalism is deeper than y'all'd like, so you tin can use your upper chest vox or your head voice to sound lighter or higher in pitch. Sing up a calibration from your lower notes/vocalisation until y'all're comfortable with a certain pitch. If you reach your vocal break (when your chest vocalisation reaches its peak and you have to switch to head voice), and you're still non happy, switch to head voice and continue moving up until you observe a pitch that you're happy with. And then practice speaking in that pitch.

  • Question

    I'm a 12 year-former female and I take a actually deep crackly voice, almost boyish. How can I make my voice higher pitched?

    Community Answer

    Kickoff, endeavor the tips in this commodity. If you already did, all the same try to practice. Information technology takes weeks, probably fifty-fifty years for one's voice to develop. Likewise, it takes fourth dimension. But, throughout that fourth dimension, exercise by vocal warm-ups and doing a calibration over and over and over again until y'all feel like y'all have met your goal.

  • Question

    How exercise I make my voice higher pitched?

    Community Answer

    You tin try speaking in a high- pitched voice, and you lot should avoid speaking in a low tone or mumbling.

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Things Y'all'll Demand

  • Novelty vocalisation changing device
  • Smart phone
  • Computer

About This Article

Article Summary X

To change your phonation, open your oral cavity wide when yous speak and avoid talking through your nose so your voice doesn't sound nasally. Besides, try breathing with your diaphragm instead of your chest when you speak, which volition help y'all project your voice. If you lot desire your voice to be deeper, exercise speaking with a lower pitch, and if you want it to be higher, try a higher pitch. Every bit you practice changing your vox, record yourself and then you can hear what you sound similar to others. For tips on disguising your vocalism so it'southward not recognizable, scroll down!

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